We provide a range of customized services to help you achieve your goals:


Siegel Long Public Affairs provides guidance in developing realistic legislative priorities and goals. We provide consultation on legislative language development and bill drafting, as well as bill sponsor recruitment. We know that success in this work is based on relationships so we help clients develop relationships with key legislators, legislative leadership and the Executive Branch. Once legislative priorities have been determined, we are skilled at message development and often assist clients in creating fact sheets and other resource collaterals, and preparing committee testimony. Siegel Long Public Affairs additionally reviews all introduced legislation and notifies clients of bills of interest. We also monitor the Joint Budget Committee year round, as well as many other committees of reference and interim committees.

Carolyn has worked in Colorado’s progressive community for many years, and is well respected in non-profit and political circles. She and her team play a key role in shaping progressive policy, including building strong coalitions to advance social and economic justice in our state. Her team strongly believes in the issues they promote, which is evident in their dedication to their work.
— Sarah Hamilton, Executive Director, AFT Colorado


We have consulted on many successful electoral and issue campaigns. We provide clients with advice on ballot measure development, title setting and other process strategy. We know how to generate support to advance municipal, state, and federal issues by building broad coalitions and engaging grasstops leaders to advance ballot measures. We are skilled at developing effective messaging and materials, coordination of media strategy and outreach, conducting voter ID, persuasion and GOTV efforts. We know how to build door-to-door and phone canvass programs that seek direct voter contact and mobilization.


At Siegel Long Public Affairs, we recognize that the implementation of laws is just as important as the passing of the policy. We track the implementation of programs that are important to our clients by monitoring rulemakings and other policy developments at state departments and commissions. We also help clients build relationships with key decision makers in state agencies


We help clients execute a successful media strategy and outreach. As more and more advocacy is done online, we know how to effectively use social media tools such a Facebook, Twitter, and Spotify to appropriately target constituents to get them engaged in grassroots actions. We are also versed in more traditional communication work such as planning and executing press conferences, op-ed, letters to the editors, and speech writing, and earned media outreach.


Siegel Long Public Affairs knows how to identify community leaders, elected officials and other influencers needed to advance policy and advocacy goals. This includes grassroots contact, organizing and mobilization as well as grasstops political strategy and activation. We build coalitions of groups and individuals to advance policy campaigns.


We help our clients with all aspects of their organizational development in the public affairs space. Our services in this area include strategic planning, campaign and program development, and political giving. Additionally, we can provide guidance to organizations in transition, develop new leaders and train staff, board, and members in the intricacies of advocacy.

Let Siegel Long Public Affairs put its skills, passion and contacts to work for you to achieve your strategic legislative, electoral and organizational goals.